This is the overall schedule. Stay tuned for the screening schedules at the Whirligig Stage and Sheppard Memorial Library.

Community Impact Film Poster

Friday, September 20th

Community Impact Film Series at the Greenville Museum, 802 Evans St. from 5:30-9 PM.

Films: Chairman Jones: The Improbable Leader and Raising Bertie.

Moderated by Ken Wyatt, Associate Professor, a member of the Cinematic Arts and Media Production Faculty at East Carolina University.

Refreshments will be served.

Performance by widely acclaimed soloist Sandra Bruton Fisher!


Saturday, September 21st

Screenings for DEFF 2019.

Gera Miles, a film lecturer, and film enthusiast, will emcee selected blocks of screenings.

Whirligig Stage, 628 Pitt Street from 11 AM-11 PM

Network with local filmmakers and artists in the foyers. Details will be posted this week.

Sheppard Memorial Library, 530 Evans Street from 1:30 PM-6 PM

Filmmaker Cafe Poster


September 22nd




All Events at Whirligig Stage, 628 Pitt Street from 4 PM-9 PM

Special Screenings from 4-6 PM

Fortunate presented by Darryl Kimbrough, Director

Suppertime II presented by S. Kruger, Director

DEFF Filmmakers Café, 6-8 PM

Expert featuring filmmakers and other media experts.

Two local filmmakers include Darryl Kimbrough and S. Kruger

Moderated by Donna Kain, professor of English, new media specialists, film lover

Awards Ceremony 8-9 PM