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We believe that to accomplish unbelievable dreams you have to do unbelievable things. We want to shake the world with our ideas! The time to take action is now, not later. You can think of the perfect [...]

By | July 13th, 2018|Categories: Filmmaker, Financing, Panelist|Comments Off on ADRIAN JACKSON


As a filmmaker, Ken Wyatt has won several awards for his many productions. His work has been exhibited around the world, Cannes, Berlin, Australia, Los Angeles, New York, and most places in between. He is [...]

By | June 28th, 2018|Categories: Filmmaker, Panelist|Comments Off on KEN WYATT


Gregg has produced independent documentaries showcased in venues across the country, including feature length, shorts, and broadcast programs. Among these are a 30-minute short from this project, Greg Taylor – Ghost premiered at the Down [...]

By | June 28th, 2018|Categories: Filmmaker, Panelist|Comments Off on GREGG JAMBACK


Randall Martoccia teaches composition, literature, and film studies at East Carolina University. Since earning his MA in creative writing, Martoccia has widened his interests to include contemporary literature, screenwriting, and film criticism, and film-making. In [...]

By | June 28th, 2018|Categories: Filmmaker, Panelist, Writer|Comments Off on RANDALL MARTOCCIA


Stay tuned. We will be making updates over the next several days. In other words, don't ask. It's a secret.

By | June 28th, 2018|Categories: Branding, Creative, Design, Filmmaker, Marketing, Panelist, Post-Production, Writer|Comments Off on SURPRISE PANELISTS

Meet John Demers, Creator of Rusty Bucket Kids

Excerpts from an Article by Josh Shaffer Rusty Bucket Man He toured the country as an actor, but when John Demers fell ill, he realized he had everything he needed in Apex, and created “The [...]

By | May 16th, 2016|Categories: Branding, Filmmaker, Financing, Marketing, Panelist, Television|Comments Off on Meet John Demers, Creator of Rusty Bucket Kids